The Last Supper
Joan Taylor found more evidence about the real appearance of Jesus Christ. She strongly believes that it is not in his nature to sit on such an extravagant throne no matter how much we see it in the current period. Even though there is no way to tell for sure, this did not fit what we know about him when he was still alive. Let us now take a look at another common theme used in paintings of the King of Kings.

The Last Supper
The Modern Look
There is something about these images that have caught the attention of many historians. Certain concepts have been altered to suit the agenda of the artists. They tried to convince us that this was what Jesus really looked like even though this is not the case. Historians have also said that artists like to incorporate an evangelical theme into their works of art. For example, you might have noticed that the sword has been replaced by a bible. It is also common to decorate the central figure in a way that would make it seem like an absolution for mankind.

The Modern Look