Dan Stevens
Dan Stevens’ Downton Abbey character as Matthew Crawley, was killed off in the third season, fans were devastated. As Town and Country Mag said, Stevens is “still apologizing” for his departure because DA fans started slowly to move on. Producers said that Crawley’s accident was the only exit that would be “credible” for his character. Stevens revealed that he asked for the write-off, not renewing his contract because he wanted to pursue other acting ventures.

Dan Stevens
T. R. Knight
Another death that rocked television fans took place on the show Grey’s Anatomy when the tragedy struck his character out of nowhere. His reason to leave the show was different from the others. Knight worked for five seasons on Grey’s before the announcement that he wouldn’t return for season six. He said that he left because of the differences between him and show creator Rhimes. Contract negotiations between Knight and ABC network resulted in his early departure.

T. R. Knight