They Have Different Hairstyle
When they ran tests on the finding, they learned that Moses had different facial features. For one thing, he wore his hair short and sported a clean-shaven face. These things do not align with what we already know about that period in time. In those days, artists liked to use the image of long hair to signify that the subject is either a womanly creature or a divine being.

They Have Different Hairstyle
Thanks to the Intricate Painters
After conducting an investigation on the evidence and the relics, Joan Taylor learned that the painters had been right about the facial hair. Men usually sported beards or long hair since they were always traveling from one place to another. They usually did not have the time to get rid of the facial hair or cut their hair on the road. We all know that Jesus and the apostles traveled extensively, so it made sense that their hair grew long. This also explains why Moses is shown to have a beard in a number of illustrations and paintings in the past.

Thanks To The Intricate Painters