Little Known Uses Of Household Items You Should Know To Make Your Life Easier

Published on 09/19/2019

Gas Gauge Arrow

Those who drive a car are probably familiar with the arrow beside the fuel gauge. Cars manufactured from 2010 onwards have this. The arrow indicates where the fuel cap is found – either on the left side or the right side. This is particularly useful if you are driving a car you rented or a brand-new vehicle. If you ask us, the arrow is pretty handy.

Gas Gauge Arrow

Gas Gauge Arrow


Charcoal Purifies Air And Removes Odors

You can buy activated bamboo charcoal at different home goods stores. You do not have to buy expensive air purifiers and you can save your baking soda for something else because the charcoal can be used as an air purifier. It can remove odors, bacteria, and allergens. Just put it in mesh bags and place the bags in areas with foul odors. BreathGreen Charcoal Bags sell their products for $10 each.

Charcoal Purifies Air And Removes Odors

Charcoal Purifies Air And Removes Odors