Xiaoqing wanted to look like Jessica Alba, which was why at the age of 21, the Chinese woman got plastic surgery. What sparked her into wanting to transform was because her then-boyfriend was obsessed with the actress and gave her a blonde wig. It was alleged that he had photos of Jessica Alba on his wells and phone. He made her wear it often. After their breakup, she started to have the surgeries in order to win his heart back.

Jocelyn Wildenstein
Jocelyn Wildenstein, a Swiss-born socialite, was quite different from the others because instead of a celebrity, she wanted to look like a cat. She thought that by changing her appearance, she would be able to please her then-husband Alec Wildenstein. Alec was a big fan of jungle cats and an owner of a private African reserve, which is why she spent millions of dollars to look more feline. Unfortunately, they still got divorced.

Jocelyn Wildenstein