Kitty, a Houston-native, was obsessed with Jennifer Lawrence. After gaining weight from her pregnancy, she did all she could to look like the actress. She acquired the assistance of Dr. Franklin Rose from the First Surgical Hospital. Some of her procedures included breast augmentation, liposuction, and rhinoplasty. Nightline even covered and featured her journey. She deeply liked her transformation, unlike his husband, who wasn’t a fan of the actress. But in the end, he respected her wife’s decision.

Jordan James Parke
Jordan James Parke, a makeup artist, became obsessed with Kim Kardashian and wanted to look more like her. Some of the operations he had were eyebrow tattooing, laser hair removal, and many lip-filling procedures. He spent over a hundred and fifty thousand dollars on his journey of becoming the male version of Kim K. Despite what the critics are saying; he didn’t plan to stop and used the negative comments as his motivation.

Jordan James Parke