Your Dog’s Behavior May Mean More Than You Think

Published on 01/28/2020

Furniture Chewing

Young puppies are big fans of teething so be careful leaving your underwear lying around. When they are no longer puppies this teeth behavior may change and be a sign that the need more exercise. An easy fix would be to go on more walks, so save yourself the bitten down furniture and instead get you and your pet some physical activity!

Furniture Chewing

Furniture Chewing


How They Bark

Dogs’ way of communicating vocally is only through barking and they do this quite often, particularly loudly. However, they can bark for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it may be urgent and a sign of danger, while shorter and quieter barks maybe playful. It’s important to understand your dog’s bark in case they are in pain or upset.

How They Bark

How They Bark