Small Ways You Can Improve Your Mental Health
Recently, mental health awareness has been on the rise which is a great thing. More and more people are speaking candidly of their personal struggles and allowing others to know they aren’t alone. All the same, that doesn’t change the fact that mental disorders like depression and anxiety are more common than ever all over the world. Whether you yourself struggle with these things or other mental illnesses or you know someone who does, it’s important to figure out ways to handle them. It’s not easy going on with day-to-day business when you’re at war in your mind. It’s exhausting, to say the least. Let’s talk about some ways you can take care of yourself and improve your mental health. This doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing situation. Take things one day at a time, one task at a time. Every little step counts.
Eat Well
As time goes on, more and more research is showing that diet directly affects your mental health in addition to your physical health. Eating healthy and well-balanced meals full of fats, fiber, and other nutrients will help you manage your stress and anxiety levels, improve your sleep, improve your ability to focus, and help you feel better overall. Another way to improve your mental health is by cutting back on excessive alcohol or drug consumption. Both of these can seriously affect the way your brain feels and works, harming your ability to think, feel, create, and make decisions.
Get Some Sleep
Start making an effort to go to sleep at the same time every night – early. Sleep is linked to many health-related consequences, physical and mental. Some psychological issues can cause sleep problems, but not getting enough sleep will worsen such conditions. If you suffer from insomnia, try different methods to get to sleep like white noise, soothing music, or even speaking to a doctor about supplementing melatonin.
We know, when you’re feeling horrible, exercise can be the absolute last thing on your mind. However, like diet and sleep, exercise is another fundamental part of your overall health. Staying active in some way or another – playing a sport, going for a walk, doing yoga, or anything else – will lower stress and anxiety levels. Not to mention, it will improve your self-esteem as well. If you’re still struggling to exercise, try motivating yourself by running with a friend, listening to your favorite music, or hiring a trainer to keep you accountable. It will be worth every penny. However, even something as small as stretching can make all the difference. Remember, one step at a time.
Limit Your Time On Social Media
Even if you don’t see yourself as someone who’s addicted to social media, spending too much time online throughout the day can be very harmful to your mental health. Even over-consumption of news can have a negative effect on your mental health. You don’t have to cut anything out entirely, just try limiting when or how you use social media. One thing you can try is having your phone in another room so it’s not the last thing you check before bed and first thing in the morning. When you’re eating a meal, place your phone somewhere else so you won’t be able to reach it. If you’re really looking for a challenge, try not checking social media for a full day.