Avocado: fruit or vegetable? Avocado is in fact, a fruit! But wait, there’s more… Did you know that an avocado is actually considered a berry? Yes, my mind is blown as well. Avocados can be a delicious and HEALTHY addition to smoothies, salads, desserts, sandwiches, and so much more. The avocado’s versatility is only limited by your imagination and palette.
Their Nutritional Value is High:
Vitamin K, Folate, Vitamin C, Potassium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Magnesium, B3, Iron, and the list continues. Additionally, avocados are low in saturated fat and do not contain any cholesterol or sodium. Bottom line, the avocado is the ultimate superfood/fruit.

Egg + Avocado Toast
They’re Filled with Fiber:
Fiber is an indigestible plant matter that contributes to weight reduction, reduction of blood sugar spikes and helps lower the risk of numerous diseases. Clearly, incorporating avocado into your diet is both essential and beneficial. Compared to most other foods, avocados have a high amount of fiber. Suddenly, getting your daily fiber doesn’t sound so bad!

Fiber Filled
They Have More Potassium Than Bananas:
It’s commonly known that bananas contain a high amount of potassium. However, avocados actually have a higher amount of potassium than bananas. Let’s break it down this for you. With a 100g (3.5 ounce) serving – avocados contain 14% RDA while bananas are only 10% RDA. Why do we need potassium? Well potassium is a necessary mineral that aids your body in nerve function and maintaining blood pressure. Yup, it’s avocado time!

Avocado Vs. Banana
Avocados Help Keep Eyes Healthy & Strong:
Want to maintain that 20/20 vision? Then it’s time for avocado overload. Just kidding, sort of! Some argue that one of the leading causes of blindness in America is a lack of both Lutein and Zeaxanthin. So of course, why take your chances and deprive yourself of them? Naturally, avocados seem to be the best (and most delicious) option for obtaining these carotenoids.

Eye Spy an Avocado