John Oens, an experienced hunter, spends a lot of time in the woods. One November day, he and his friends had gone hunting in the Wisconsin woods. As he was checking the traps he had set up, the unthinkable happened. When he went to check out his coyote traps, he was surprised to find something much larger than he expected. When the crew discovered this find, they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. As you can imagine, this event had a profound effect on them.

Once A Hunter Caught An Injured Wolf In His Coyote Trap, He Realized What He Had To Do To Take Care Of It
In the woods, one of the traps had a large animal trapped inside. In every way, this was a bad situation to be in. It could have been fatal if they didn’t handle it correctly. A wounded animal is never fun to deal with, but these animals had it even worse. An adult coyote wasn’t tinier than that. They could be killed if those teeth sunk into their limbs or legs. When they found the monster in the woods, what were they going to do with it?
Facing The Wolf
John Oens was having a typical day when he received a phone call. In contrast, the hunter had no idea what he was getting himself into when he went to inspect the trap he’d constructed. Instead of finding a coyote, he came across a massive timber wolf. It was struggling to free its entangled front paw from the catch.

Facing The Wolf
As he was well aware, this was not a lighthearted matter. He feared he would be attacked if he tried to rescue the wolf on his own. John was adamant about not having his arm amputated. At any moment, this monstrous creature could turn on him if it were in an angry mood. The young man was fully cognizant of the danger he was in. In this situation, there was no room for error.