A Lonely Lioness Named “Shiela” Found Happiness With Her New Friend

Published on 12/07/2020

Not Extinct

Recently, Blackfish documentary uncovered fishers who stole baby whales from the sea and sold them in places like Sea World for profits. The background of Sheila is sad and not all that unusual. Almost all of these species are not adequately cared for and eventually live short, miserable lifetimes, as animals are continually exploited for entertainment. Sheila’s rescuers had hoped she wouldn’t experience the same misfortune.

Not Extinct


Handing Over To Experts

As Sheila was in terrible condition, the U.S. Department of Agriculture decided to hand her over to an animal welfare organization called the In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Education Centre. It is a company that helps in the recovery of stranded animals and their treatment. The news hasn’t been good. In Sync said that they would consider seriously euthanizing her if Sheila’s health didn’t improve. Sheila would probably not be able to live.

Handing Over To Experts