Carolyn Anderson
Carolyn Anderson had the same surname as Pamela Anderson, but she also wanted to have more in common with the actress. Carolyn spent 40,000 dollars for beauty spot tattoos, breast implants, Botox, hair extensions, fake tans, skin peels, teeth straightening and teeth whitening in order to look more like Pamela. She declared that she felt better than the original after exhausting 160,000 dollars for her wardrobe. This might sound like a lot of money but for Carolyn, it was all worth it.

Carolyn Anderson
Rodrigo Alves
Rodrigo Alves made a resolution to get and maintain the perfect body and face. He had over 10 procedures which included butt lift, calf shaping, eight-pack abdominal implants, eyeball plastic surgery, laser liposuction, nose jobs, and silicon chest implants. He had undergone a lot of surgeries that medical professionals advised that his body could no longer withstand additional procedures. Rodrigo claimed that he was happy with how he looks but doctors counseled him to get therapy for his body dysphoric disorder.

Rodrigo Alves