One woman curled her neck with coils to lengthen it for years. It was an incredible event, especially when seen on the spot. Would you like to know the result of her work? Why did she do this in the beginning? Try to read this to understand why she did this kind of thing to her body.
Why They Use It
Anthropologists said that the people who have curled their neck with coils were trying to prevent servitude. One of their theories was to make the woman less attractive. While others claim the opposite and that they did this kind of stuff to become beautiful.

Why They Use It
For Beauty
Some cultures used coils to become an attractive person. Not only for the ladies but also some of the men used it to become appealing. Coils were the sign of beauty and were used to become a good-looking person in their culture. Judged by the results, it was not the neck that stretched out, but it was because their collarbone was strained down.

For Beauty