The Shocking Truth About The Scratches On Her Baby’s Face And The Weird Noises At Night

Published on 10/19/2020

At A Loss

At first, she thought that it was just some kind of accident. It was possible for babies to graze their faces in their sleep. However, she figured out that this was not the case since more scratches showed up once the initial ones healed over. This meant that she had to bring it up with Joshua. Did he know about it?

Things Got Tense In The House

At A Loss


The Perfect Family

From the outside, it looked like Joshua and Heather had everything that you could ask for. They were young, lived in a beautiful town, and had a little girl. It felt like they could do whatever they wanted! When these things started to happen, they were both at a total loss for what to do next.

What To Do Next

The Perfect Family