The Internet Went Crazy Over Something They Found On Prince Charles’ Broadcast

Published on 12/01/2020

Thanking Hospital Workers

Of course, the prince thanked the people who were running the hospital. He also made sure to express his appreciation to the staff for all their efforts to support the service. “We are in an immense debt of gratitude to the doctors, the nurses, the technicians, the staff currently working in the health service and those coming out of retirement and the voluntary workers who will be working within it.” Said the prince.

Thanking Hospital Workers

Thanking Hospital Workers


“Selfless Care And Devoted Service”

“The name of this hospital could not have been more aptly chosen. Florence Nightingale, the lady with the lamp, brought hope and healing to thousands in their darkest hour… It is symbolic of the selfless care and devoted service taking place in innumerable settings with countless individuals throughout the United Kingdom.” The prince added, referring to the origin of the hopsital’s name.

“Selfless Care And Devoted Service”

“Selfless Care And Devoted Service”