Small Changes You Can Do To Prevent Kidney Disease And Live Longer

Published on 11/28/2019

Don’t Underestimate A Cold

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) states on its website that that the average person catches a cold two or three times a year. While colds seem harmless and nothing but annoying, you should not think of them as if they are nothing. Your body produces more antibodies if you don’t treat colds and over time, these antibodies will start to become unhealthy for your kidneys. If you feel sick, see a doctor; don’t just stay home from work like 72 percent of Americans.

Don't Underestimate A Cold

Don’t Underestimate A Cold


Don’t Wait To Use The Restroom

Did you know that one of the primary causes of kidney problems is holding in the urge to pee? Bacteria can multiply in urine, which shouldn’t be in the body anymore. The longer the urine sits, the more bacteria will grow. This bacteria eventually makes its way to the kidneys, and no one wants that. If you have to go, just go. Your kidneys will thank you.

Don't Wait To Use The Restroom

Don’t Wait To Use The Restroom