Stress is ubiquitous in our time and one of the greatest health threats. We’ll give you 7 tips on how to better deal with stress.

7 Tips On How To Better Deal With Stress
Identify Stressors
As a first tip against stress and the first step towards a less stressful life, you should understand your current situation. Take note: How stressed are you really – on a scale of 1-10? In which situation do you feel particularly stressed? Is your stress level related to the time of day or maybe certain days of the week? In this way, you can find out what your personal stressors are. For some people, the pressure of deadlines is hard to bear, others can be stressed by doing nothing. Only when you know your “enemy”, the stressor, can you act against it and initiate a change.
Change Attitudes
How do you treat your own inner voice? Is she kind, harsh, or even offensive at times? The tone we use towards ourselves is a clear indication of how satisfied we are with ourselves. Anyone who (unconsciously) belittles himself or is constantly dissatisfied with himself cannot appear self-confident and energetic to the outside world. Listen to yourself, pay attention to your inner voice, “force” yourself to be polite and delete beliefs like “I won’t succeed anyway!” From your consciousness – at least for a day or two – and see what happens.
Adjust Diet
Only a healthy body can adequately deal with increased stress levels. Unfortunately, it is often when we are stressed that our diet suffers first. Depending on the type, we eat too much, too little, too greasy, and too fast. We find ourselves in a vicious circle of stress and inadequate nutrition because unhealthy nutrition, in turn, leads to a higher feeling of stress, irritability and difficulty concentrating.
Move Consciously
Exercise is a very effective way of relieving stress. It doesn’t always have to be a kilometer-long run. To reduce stress, it is optimal to adhere to the rule of “running without breathing” – without getting out of breath. Depending on the level of training, this naturally corresponds to a different intensity. A brisk walk, 15-30 minutes a day, ensures a spatial change, a good oxygen supply, gets the metabolism going, and breaks down stress hormones.
Maintain Sleep Hygiene
Deep, restful sleep is the best medicine for chronic stress. Easier said than done because people who are often under pressure in everyday life take their problems “to bed” with them. To prevent this from happening, it is worth introducing a certain amount of sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene is understood to mean rituals and rules that you adhere to before going to bed. Little by little, the body adjusts to this rhythm and automatically goes down.
Drink Plenty Of Water
Stress puts the body in a state of emergency state. The blood pressure rises, and the muscles are supplied with more blood. At the same time, however, the ability to concentrate decreases, and brain performance decreases. To at least counteract this effect, it helps to drink plenty of water. Because water is extremely important for the brain in particular.
Laughter ensures relaxation -always! And that even works when the laughter is artificial or forced. Numerous muscles in our face are responsible for laughing. If they are used, the body automatically releases happiness hormones, the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol are broken down. Try it out.