Celebrities Who Used To Work As Strippers Before They Made It Big

Published on 07/22/2020

The people on the list have made big in their own fields, there’s no doubt about it. However, it was not always like this for them. There was a time when they all had to do something else in order to make ends meet. Most people decide to work in retail or serve in a restaurant when they are in the same boat. However, there are certain celebrities who tried a rather different line of work while they were working on launching their careers from the ground up. It is so fascinating to hear that these famous people used to work as strippers!

Celebrities Who Used To Work As Strippers Before They Made It Big

Celebrities Who Used To Work As Strippers Before They Made It Big


Brad Pitt

Now one of the most famous men alive, Brad Pitt used to be a part of Dancing Bares. It is a University of Missouri stripping troupe. Even though it was not his breakthrough career in Hollywood, it was likely his first shot in the entertainment industry. We are sure that his sorority sisters had their eyes on him!

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt